This is a simple Perl frontend to the SkuVault WMS API. Now available on GitHub.
I stop by the local municipal building to pay my garbage bill. They’re in the process of a grand renovation – a theme change from “1985 mall” to “2025 mall”. Old facades are down, new facades are up. There’s glass! And granite! The 80s are gone!
Somewhere above me, the muzak system is playing Right Here Waiting.
Pinwheel – Fading Fast
Phenomenal power pop from Adam Schlesinger and Chris Collingwood’s early 90’s project Pinwheel.
We started to serve Indian food here
In downtown Pittsburgh, there’s a storefront in the ground floor of a parking garage on Cherry Way between Forbes and Fourth that’s currently home to the incredible Arepittas, which is well worth a visit if you love arepas or empanadas.
Prior to Arepittas, the space was occupied by a flurry of restaurants, including a divey incarnation of Primanti’s and a fast-food breakfast spot.
My favorite in the line-up, though, was a brief-lived few months where, after ownership changed hands, the name of the place seemed to change to We started to serve Indian food here – with another sign directly below it advertising empanadas.
Unfortunately, my allegiance to Sree’s meant I never got around to trying said Indian food, and eventually the space changed hands again, so I’ll never know whether it was any good.
Pagers and implementations and change management (oh my!)
A couple weeks back, NPR’s Planet Money ran a phenomenal episode on organizational change management vis-a-vis paging systems at hospitals.
I’m a dork, so I came for the pagers and stayed for the change management.
The episode introduces what initially appears to be a straightforward IT project – a hospital system upgrading from old-fashioned one-way numeric pagers to two-way text/photo messaging – and some unexpected non-technical problems that brought the implementation to a halt.
The case study is brought with commentary from Michaela Kerrissey, a Harvard management prof who offers a framework to look at factors that can cause organizational resistance to new technology: Risks, Habits, Identity and Power (RHIP). Spoiler alert: all four come into play in the pager case.
This episode is a must-hear for anyone starting out in ERP implementation or similar careers. Really excellent content.